- 口头报告“化妆品成分光毒性的分层方法评估策略”谭家明。
- 联合组织并主持专题研讨会“替代品和转化毒理学”Ted Xing。
- 摘要“SkinEthic™ RHE模型在皮肤刺激和腐蚀评估中的研究”Lizao Chen、Nathalie ALEPEE、Linda Ding。
上海斯安肤诺现场展示了SkinEthicTM RHE 三维重建表皮模型, SkinEthicTM HCE三维重建眼角膜模型,全层皮肤模型T-Skin,以及模型在安全性和功效评估中的应用。

The 2024 China Society of Toxicology Congress was successfully held in Suzhou, China.
This congress is one of the most important events organized by Chinese Society of Toxicology to gather experts, industrials, and academics, to exchange on the most advanced safety science.
In this congress, L’OREAL continued to share knowledge and expertise on non-animal alternative methods & safety assessment and was invited to do:
- Oral Presentation “Tiered approach assessment strategy of phototoxicity for cosmetic ingredient” Jiaming Tan.
- Jointly organized and hosted a special session of symposium “Alternatives and Translational Toxicology” Ted Xing.
- Abstract “Study of SkinEthic™ RHE models in skin irritation and corrosion assessment” Lizao Chen, Nathalie ALEPEE, Linda Ding.
Shanghai EPISKIN Biotech showcased the SkinEthicTM RHE, SkinEthicTM HCE, T-Skin model, and their applications in safety and efficacy evaluation on a booth exhibition.
Stay tuned for more information soon!