Hyphal invasion of Candida albicans inhibits the expression of human β-defensins in experimental oral candidiasis. Q. Lu, J. A. M. S. Jayatilake, L. P Samaranayake, L. Jin. Journal of investigative Dermatology, 126: 2049-2056, 2006.
An ultrastructural and a cytochemical study of candida invasion of reconstituted human oral epithelium. J. A. M. S. Jayatilake, Y. H. Samaranayake, L. P. Samaranayake. Journal of Oral pathology & Medicine, 34: 240-246, 2005.
Adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis to the EpiSkinTM reconstructed epidermis model and to an inert 304 stainless steel substrate. G. Lerebour, S. Cupferman, M.N. Bellon-Fontaine. Journal of Applied Microbioloby, 97: 7-16, 2004.
Toxicity and antimicrobial activity of a hydrocolloid dressing containing silver particles in an ex vivo model of cutaneous infection. M Schaller, J. Laude, H. Bodewaldt, G. Hamm, H. C. Korting. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, 17: 31-36, 2004.
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) induce protective Th1-type cytokine epithelial responses in an in vitro model of oral candidiasis. M. Schaller, U. Boeld, S. Oberbauer, G. Hamm, B. Hube, H. C. Korting. Microbiology, 150: 2807-2813, 2004.
RT-PCR detection of Candida albicans ALS gene expression in the reconstituted human epithelium (RHE) model of oral candidiasis and in model biofilms. C. B. Green, G. Cheng, J. Chandra, P. Mukherjee. M. A. Ghannoum, L. Hoyer. Microbiology, 150: 267-275, 2004.
Secreted aspartic proteinase (Sap) activity contributes to tissue damage in a model of human oral candidosis. M. Schaller, H. C. Korting, W. Schäfer, J. Bastert, W. Chen, B. Hube. Molecular microbiology, 34: 169-180, 1999.
Effects of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) proteinase inhibitors saquinavir and indinavir on in vitro activities of secreted aspartyl proteinases of Candida albicans isolates from HIV-infected patients. H. C. Korting, M. Schaller, G. Eder, G. Hamm, U. Böhmer, B. Hube. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 43: 2038-2042, 1999.